Getting The Most Out of Your Newborn Session

Your Newborn photographs will be some of the most cherished images you purchase, so we have complied a lost of tips and tricks so you get the most out of this session.


Book Your Session Before Bubs Arrives
Planning for a baby is a busy time, and once bubs arrives things just get busier. Give yourself a head start by booking in your session whilst you are still pregnant. If you contact us we can pencil you in around you due date, we can keep in contact with you and once bubs has arrived we will have no problem fitting you in for your session. Our newborn sessions are captured in the first 14 days of life, the sooner we are able to book you in the more available times we will have that suit everyone.


Prepping Before Your Shoot
With the internet in the palms of our hands, its easy to get lots of ideas for how your would like your photos to turn out. So send us your ideas for what your are looking for, especially shots from our website, google profile and social media. If you would like to share images from other sources we can discuss the options for similar props, ensuring we are all ready to capture your special personalized moments.


Pack You Bags
When heading out with a new baby, parents tend to pack everything but the kitchen sink, your photography session should be the same. Be sure to pack plenty of outfits for your little one just incase. If your little one takes a bottle be sure to pack a decent supply even if your baby wont be due for a scheduled feed during your session, babies can get fussy with all the moving around, posing and changing. If your baby has a dummy be sure to have one packed, Your session is out of your babies schedule and can be disruptive. Anything that assists with soothing also means more time to capture beautiful memories. Babies are not the only ones who get hungry so be sure to pack water and snacks for yourself. If you have anything special that you would like in your photos, such as a teddy or special toy make sure that they are packed in too.


Dress to Impress
When packing clothing for photography session, remember that these outfits will be displayed on your wall, Make sure that they are neat but also comfortable. Soft materials are nice and comfortable to hold your baby against. Neutral tones and soft patterns keep the focus on your baby, avoid busy patterns. Avoid tight clothing on baby, with buckles and buttons around the face to prevent lines and marks on the babies skin.


Get Involved
You might not feel the best (or well rested) with a new baby but don’t let this stop you from getting in the photos too. Your baby will only be this little once and they grow up in the blink of an eye, There is nothing more settling then our parents arms, so we get some beautiful shot of you and your baby together.


A Full Belly Makes a Happy Baby
We recommend feeding your baby 1-2 hours before your session, depending on their schedule, so bubs is ready for a top up just before your session. You can also keep your baby awake with a bath and stimulation before your session so they are all ready for a nap, Helping us capture those peaceful sleeping shots.


Once you arrive remember to relax, enjoy this moment with your family, have fun and we will take care of you.